Harness Strategies

Harness Strategies

SpaceCable is an universal 3D Cabling and Harnessing solution, which could be applied at different industries in different ways due to the flexible customization possibilities and rich macro language. Different type of harness strategies could be implemented with SpaceCable defined by the types of industry, centricity and connectivity.

By Industry

Several industries are currently in urgent need of advanced 3D Cabling solutions with own industry requirements.

  • Electronics Industry: very often no harness, single cables, small devices and few connections

  • Automotive Industry: very often complex harness, many wires and many connections
  • General Machinery: very often no harness, prefabricated cables and few connections
  • Control Panel Industry: very often no harness, only wires and many connections

By Centricity

  • M-CAD centric: Harness documentation is done at the M-CAD side.
  • E-CAD centric: Harness documentation is done at the E-CAD side.

By Connectivity

  • All Pins Definition: All wires going to a single device are connected one by one to individual pins

  • One Pin Definition: One single wire is connected to one point  on the connector only - representing  all connected wires together

  • No Pin Definition: No connection at all. The connectivity is decided by the channel edge to device distance  (define no pins)